Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Retirement Letter and Happenings

Me - Illustrated by Faith

Summer 2019  

Dear Harrington Families,

It’s with so many fond memories that I say goodbye to my students and families at Harrington. As you know, I’ve begun my retirement this summer. September will most likely hit hard, as I won’t be seeing those smiling faces walk through my classroom door each day. Your children have given me so much joy over the years and many reasons to grow as a teacher, as a person and as an artist. Your children have taught me the true value of persistence, how mistakes can be a blessing with the right attitude, and that the “joy of process” is really what it’s all about in the end!

As some of you may be aware, I plan to spend much of my retirement at Western Ave Studios, in Lowell, where I rent a space. My studio there has sat empty for too long! Surely, being an artist is also about the “work” put in and now is my time to brush off the dust and put on my apron! I’m looking forward to painting and being more involved with the wonderful community of nearly 300 artists there at Western Ave.

I encourage you all to visit a “First Saturday - Open Studios” at Western Ave where you and your children will find inspiration in the work of local artist of all kinds. These artists are my new co-workers and teachers!

I feel extremely lucky to have had the privilege of nurturing your children! Thank you so much for everything you do to support the arts at Harrington and in Chelmsford! I’m sure your support will be appreciated by your new art teacher, Kelly Mazzone, who is absolutely fabulous! Please send my warmest regards to your children for me! Thank you!

With a sad heart,
            Amy Aker
            Retired Art Teacher
            Harrington Elementary School, Chelmsford

PS. I plan to keep my teacher blog up and running for a short while with updated photos from our last school-wide art show. Please take a minute to see all the wonderful creative efforts of our students!

Western Ave - First Saturday Open Studios

SURPRISE celebration at Flat Bread Pizza in Bedford with some of our district art teachers (past and present) <3 
One of several sweet retirement gifts given to me by my district art teacher colleagues (a Re-blooming Hydrangea). This plant loves it's new location, as do I ;-)

Principal Rob gave all our Harrington retirees a sweet "send-off" at The Establishment, where we celebrated our years of service with colleagues.

Another heartfelt tribute was given by my friend, Barb Defreitas. I'll surely miss her support and friendship as I'll no longer be right down the hall. 

Barb created a beautiful memory album with photos, and sentiments collected from many of our colleagues.

I love this beautiful hand made stepping stone, given to me by our Harrington staff, along with many other thoughtful gifts. 
I'll really miss these specialist friends who do amazing work with our students every day and who's humor and support I couldn't have done without! 
Heather and Rob (along with Michelle) were all super supportive throughout my last year. 

These two brought us fun and giggles at least once a month with their awesome "Fun Committee"! Lisa's fabulous idea may be catching on at other schools as well!

More photos from the Establishment party!

My awesome best friend and husband, Doug
Sue Clapp on the left and my son, Dan on the right
More great co-workers I'll miss!
A few favorites - co-teacher paraprofessionals

Ian and my son, Dan graduated from CHS at nearly the same time. I'm happy to see that Ian has been promoted to a new position working with small groups! 

So great to have Jane and Maddie there at the Harrington celebration! Two amazing art teacher colleagues I've worked with for many years.

Maddie used her photoshop skills and contributions from art colleagues to create this awesome photo memory book filled with memories of time spent with  all of them.
Steve and Michael LaCava - Michael was my principal for many years after being our district Fine Arts Coordinator.

Michael brought a photo of the very first clay object pulled out of the kiln he worked so hard to provide our school. This sits on his shelf in his new office in Wellesley where he is the Performance Arts Director. 

Another "Last" 

This was my last district-wide art show at the Adams Library in Chelmsford.
Christy Whittlesey (far left) always supported our community involvement on behalf of our Chelmsford students.

You can't use up creativity. 
The more you use, the more you have! 
by Maya Angelou

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