Sunday, November 25, 2018

Grade 4 Masks - Creating Interest with Fantasy

                                                                   Term 2 

Grade 4 - Mask Making

We begin with a simple pressed paper mask form. These photos show the result of adding Cel-u-clay (which is paper mache in mush form). The goal is for students to change the form in some creative way. I encourage students to use their imagination to create a mask using fantasy, to make something no one has ever seen before! What fun it is for me to see the various solutions to this challenge! Next up... painting the masks! 

Here are some of our nearly finished masks (some haven't added embellishments yet)! Can you see why I love this job?!

Our 4th Graders met our Standard Based Report Card Standard if they "Independently demonstrated proficiency in creating an artwork from memory or imagination to tell a story or embody and idea or fantasy". I've been thrilled with the imagination and independence demonstrated by every student who chose to participate in this project! If these masks could talk I think their stories would be fascinating!  

Adults in the building have asked me how it is that these masks are so different from one another. Many ask how much input I have in the process. Other than providing a wide variety of mask images for students to bounce off, I leave the choice wide open to them. That's what makes the work so much fun for me... to see what students bring to the project on their own. Fantasy at it's finest is alive in the Harrington art room!

Here are a few more for you to feast your eyes on 😍

How sad I am that this project is coming to a close.

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